(About her “Chuck” co-star Zach Levi) Zach’s a bundle of energy. He puts music on all of the time and dances to it. He’s crazy.
I have a strong dance background. I danced from age five till 18, and that helps a lot. Doing a fight routine is like doing a dance routine.
About how her life changed after “Chuck”) Dramatically. I came here with one suitcase and some clothes, so I had to buy a car and get some furniture and find a place to live, make some friends. It’s like starting school again. So, my life has pretty much done a 180
(About what she likes about her role on “Chuck”) The great thing about the role is I do get to play the girlfriend and I do get to play the kick-arse chick and I get to play a whole bunch of different themes because of who I am in the show, an undercover CIA agent who works at a hot dog place.
(About her popularity in the US and Australia) I’m more well-known in the USA than I am here (Australia).
(On her being an awkward teen) I was always the lanky kid with bad skin. I was a drama student, though, so not exactly like Sarah. I was a tomboy and didn’t pay too much attention to my clothes
I love watching a good, freaky horror movie. I love it. It’s one of my favorite things to do, to go and see at the cinema. Just to tune out and be freaked out.
I loved school, I loved putting on my uniform and doing homework every day. I was one of those good students that the teachers liked. I guess that’s got to be a pretty nerdy, geeky part of me.
(on the sci-fi genre) What appeals to me [about the genre] is that it’s about exploring your imagination and how far you can go with things, imagining what life could be like if the world were different or circumstances changed or aliens came for a visit…
(on her sudden success in the United States) It’s happened very fast and I’ve surprised myself really. But I’m taking it all on board with a smile on my face.
(on using her Australian accent in between takes of “Chuck”) In between takes, I’m Australian. I feel a bit silly if I stay in it the whole time. I don’t feel like it’s me talking to people
on landing the role of Sarah on “Chuck”) It’s more exciting than anything. It’s pretty surreal driving around and seeing [the show] on all the billboards.
I’ve been very physical my whole life. I went out hiking and camping for days in the Australian forest, and when I trained at drama school for three years, we did a whole lot on stage-fighting techniques…. And I was a dancer from 5 to 18, so I have a memory for choreography.
I’m pretty gross. When I talk I can be gross and crude.
(about her starring role in “Chuck”) This was my introduction to the American industry, so coming to know all this stuff has all been a surprise. I certainly didn’t expect it to get such critical acclaim.
(about her character on “Chuck”) Sarah is very strong. She’s really intelligent and she’s very physically capable. I like to put that into my own life as well.
I know that one of the distinguishing things was I looked like I could hold a gun, even though I’d never held one before and I’m physically able to do the martial arts and all that stuff.
I’ve always been a very outdoors sort of girl. I’m more a tomboy than a girly girl.
(on how being an Australian helps in Hollywood) They respond a lot to the Australian thing. They love the training; a lot of us come through drama school. We come with the whole tool kit.
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